
MORNING ARRIVAL 7:30am-8:05am
School Gate will open at 7:30am. Student Arrival will begin.
Where: Gate Entrance on 7th Avenue
-Parents will use the Gate Entrance on 7th Avenue and park along the street. The Gate will be open at 7:30am. Parent should escort students to the gate.
-Please keep in mind, breakfast/supervision will be provided from 7:30-8:05am.
-If you are running late or if your child will be absent please contact the main office at (213) 514-5767 or via parentsquare.
Students who do not join in the morning breakfast/supervision time should be dropped off at school by 8:05am. Instruction begins promptly at 8:05am.
School gate will open at 3:05pm. Student dismissal will begin.
Where: Gate Entrance on 7th Avenue
Step 1: Parents will use the gate entrance on 7th Avenue and park on the street. The gate will be opened promptly at 3:05pm.
Step 2: Parent will walk directly to their child’s classroom for pick up.
Step 3: All students not picked up after 3:20pm will enter the extended after school Care Program.

Lashon Parent Community Mission
Thank you for taking the time to find this website and taking the time to see what the Lashon Academy is all about. Lashon Academy Charter wasn’t a name chosen accidentally; it is a name representative of the children, parents, teachers and faculty at our school. We are a community and by reading this message, you have taken the first step in being involved.
Many people hear PTO and think of some bake sale our mother’s did. In today’s world, PTO often seems synonymous with “please open your wallet and hand us some more money.” The truth is, the PTO requires funds to improve the community we send our children to and help all children throughout the country. This is the mission of the PTO and should be yours as well.
Here at Lashon Academy, we are proud to raise funds to provide many enrichment programs that would otherwise never exist. These include dramatic arts, visual arts, a computer technology lab, a science center and physical education. But we are much more than an organization just asking for donations for programs. We want to advocate for our children, helping encourage family involvement in school. Spend a few minutes on campus and see the kids loving school and you will probably see their parents involved in one way or another – either in the classroom or at one of our events. Why? Because when we care, our kids care!
So I invite you to contact me at [email protected] to find out what little or lot you can do to help become involved. Remember, you already took the first step by stopping here. Stop here often and feel free to contact me to talk about your talents, interests and time.
Lashon Academy rocks because we make it rock!
President – Graciela [email protected]
Treasurer – Leah [email protected]
Field Trip Coordinator – [email protected]